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Wisconsin Birth to 3 Program - Wisconsin Birth to 3 Program Mission Statement
The Wisconsin Birth to 3 Program is committed to serving children under the age of 3 with developmental delays and disabilities and their families. We value the family’s primary relationship with their child and work in partnership with the family. We work to enhance the child’s development and support the family’s knowledge, skills and abilities as they interact with and raise their child.

Wisconsin Birth to 3 Program
Department of Health
Services 1 West Wilson
Street Madison, WI 53702
(608) 266-8276
Options for Independent Living, Inc. - Options for Independent Living is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization committed to empowering people with disabilities to lead independent and productive lives in their community through advocacy, the provision of information, education, technology and related services. 

As part of the independent living philosophy of consumer-directed services, Options staff will provide information so individuals with disabilities, family and friends can make informed choices and achieve their goals.

Information & Referral provides information about community services and resources. Topics ranging from adaptive equipment, housing information, funding alternatives, benefits, and much more can be researched and answered.  

Provides assistance with The Telecommunications Equipment Purchase Program (TEPP).  The TEPP assists individuals with disabilities with purchasing the specialized equipment needed to utilize basic telephone services. 

Options for Independent Living Inc. • PO Box 11967 • Green Bay, WI 54307-1967 • 920-490-0500 • Toll Free 888-465-1515
ABC for Health - Advocacy & Benefits Counseling for Health, Inc. (ABC for Health), is a Wisconsin-based, nonprofit public interest law firm that promotes health equity and social justice. ABC for Health is dedicated to ensuring health care access for children and families. ABC for Health’s mission is to provide health care consumers with the services and support they need to navigate a complex health care financing system.
Family Support and Advocacy Organizations_DPI - Family Support and Advocacy Organizations - Statewide Family Support Organizations - National Family Support Organizations
HEAR Wisconsin - HEAR Wisconsin is a nonprofit that helps infants, children, and adults with hearing loss by eliminating communication and language barriers through personalized services, technology, and education.HEAR Wisconsin provides comprehensive services and resources for anyone, with any degree of hearing loss.  
HEAR Wisconsin (historically known as CCHD)
10243 W. National Ave.
West Allis, WI 53227
(414) 604-2200 Voice
(414) 604-7217 TTY
(414) 395-2117 VP
Professional and Family Resources to Support Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing - Information and resources to support professionals and caregivers working with students who are deaf, hard of hearing or deafblind
  • WESP-DHH Resources for Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Deafblind
  • Educational Audiologists
  • Educational Interpreters
  • Teachers of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
VL2 Family Information Center - VL2 Family Information Center
Research-based information about American Sign Language and Bilingualism for families with deaf and hard-of-hearing children.
Wisconsin Deafblind Technical Assistant Project (WDBTAP) - Wisconsin Deafblind Technical Assistance Project
Your resource for families, agencies and schools supporting infants, children and youth aged birth - 21 with combined vision and hearing loss.
Wisconsin FACETS Statewide Center - Wisconsin Family Assistance Center for Education, Training & Support (“WI FACETS”) is a statewide non-profit organization, with its main office located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. WI FACETS was founded in June 1995 by a small group of parents who had a strong desire to help other families understand the special education laws and systems.
WI FACETS has become a leading source of information and support in Wisconsin for children and youth who have special needs, their families and others who support them.
  • Helps parents build partnerships with those who provide services to their children.
  • Connects families to community resources.
  • Educates parents on their rights and how to use those rights to become involved in their child’s education.
  • Empowers parents and young adults so they may advocate effectively for their own needs.
  • Provides information and resources to educators and other professionals who support children with disabilities.
The mission of WI FACETS is to provide and broaden opportunities that enhance the quality of life for children and adults with disabilities and their families, with emphasis on support for underserved families in the community.
WSPEI (Wisconsin Statewide Parent Educator Initiatives) - WSPEI works to provide supports and strategies resulting in stronger home - school partnerships.  
WSPEI helps families and school districts build positive working relationships that lead to shared decision making and children's learning. WSPEI Coordinators are parents of children with disabilities who work for CESAs (Cooperative Educational Service Agencies) through a grant from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI). They assist families with navigating special education and partnering with schools through technical assistance, trainings, and programs such as Parents in Partnership (PIP) and Youth in Partnerships (YiPPE) programs. WSPEI also works directly with schools through trainings, developing family engagement plans, and training district family engagement liaisons to improve family engagement efforts for families of students with IEPs. To find out the contact information for your WSPEI CESA Family Engagement Coordinator for your region you can go to: